
  • A maximum of 15 players may be on a team roster.
  • All coed rosters must include at least two members of each gender.
  • Players must add themselves to their team roster on the Allison SportsTown website by posted dates. Any player who does not do so will not be allowed to participate.

Tournament Check-In Procedures

  • Teams should check in to the main tent at least 20 minutes before the start of their first match.
  • All team players will need to be named on team’s roster and be able to present a picture ID at check-in.


  • Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of the Law as well as the letter of the Law. Displays of temper or dissent are cause for ejection from the game and surrounding field area.
  • All Referee decisions during game play are final and cannot be overruled.


Tournament Format

Tournament format will be set based on final registration numbers with the following guidelines:

  • If numbers allow, teams will be divided into skill divisions. Within each division there will be multiple brackets. Each team is guaranteed at least 3 games.
  • 3 points for a win, 1 point for draws, 0 points for a loss.
  • Playoff rounds will be constructed in different ways for each skill category. In all instances, the first tie-breaker is goal differential, second is goals against, third is head to head. Final tie breaker will be a coin flip.
  • Qualification for knockout rounds will depend on registration and division make-up.


Refund Policy

Teams / players will not be granted refunds within 5 days of tournament.

Should Allison SportsTown be forced to cancel the event within 5 days of the scheduled date, teams will receive a full refund.


Tournament Rules of Play

FIFAs Laws of the Game will be used as the basis of all rules with the following modifications:

  • All players must wear proper equipment to play in all matches. Shin guards must be fully covered by proper socks. Any items that have hard plastic or metal parts are considered dangerous and not allowed to be worn during play.
  • If a team is unable to field a proper team within 5 minutes of the scheduled start time of the match that team will forfeit the match and the opposing team will be awarded a 3-0 victory. If neither team is able to field a proper team on the field both teams will forfeit the match to be recorded as a 3-0 defeat for each team.
  • The field of play has been modified to suit the number of players and field locations.
  • Teams are allowed unlimited substitutions. Coed teams must have two of each gender remaining on the field at all times. Substitutions are on-the-fly.
  • Teams must abide by the provided team roster. If teams are caught playing players not on their roster, they will be forced to forfeit the current and any future scheduled games.
  • First-round games will end in ties at the end of regulation play; subsequent elimination games from the second round and on will play a single 5-minute, golden goal overtime to begin immediately after regulation time expires. If still tied teams will go to a 5 round penalty kick shootout.  If the shootout is tied after five rounds a sudden death shootout will commence until a winner is decided.
  • Penalty shootouts must include at least one shooter of each gender in the first three shots. Any player may who played during that game may shoot.
  • Slide tackling is not allowed, except by the goalkeeper inside their own penalty area, and can be considered either a foul or playing in a dangerous manner as determined by the referee.
  • Yellow cards are not cumulative and do not carry over from previous matches.
  • Referees will send players who have received yellow cards off the field for at minimum a 2-minute “cool down” period. They may be replaced on the field of play.
  • Any player receiving a red card shall be disqualified from current match as well as the next match. Any player receiving a second red card during the tournament shall be banned from all remaining matches.